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Save Britain, vote for Reform now! Mark Matlock is a dedicated and experienced leader who is committed to bringing positive change to our nation. With a vision for a better future, Mark Matlock stands for integrity, progress, and unity.


I’m honoured to have the opportunity to be representing Clapham and Brixton Hill for the Reform Party 2024.
I joined the party because I’m passionate about making this country a much better place for everyone living here.
As part of the Reform Party, I want to make a positive difference in the community and help create big changes in London.
We must stop rising crime and gang violence culture by working on increasing funding for the Met, and enable more searches .We should improve policing on local housing estates. 
I want to abolish the ULEZ charge south of the Thames, where there is no strong reason to charge people for driving through the Capital.
Roads we all know that they are in a terrible condition and it is costing hardworking people millions of pounds to repair damage to their vehicles. I want to enforce fines to be issued to councils if they continue to be negligent with maintenance.  
We should continue to increase funding for the NHS and prevent waiting times.
We should ensure that children have adequate meals, Proper nutrition is vital for physical and mental health. 
We should ensure help and support for struggling families, increase disability benefits and lower the retirement age.
We should encourage small businesses to open with lower business rates and more grant availability.
We should manage the transfer of human jobs to AI responsibly.
We should do more to protect British farming.
We continue to be strongly in favour of stopping the boats .
We should do much more to provide proper trauma treatment and mental health support
for our Armed Forces through Government funded sources.
I would like to ensure all young people and first time buyers have a fair shot at buying a first home with more government supported schemes to reduce these costs and allow borrowing to be more available.
I would like to start a scheme that entitles young people to exchange student loans for a deposit on a first home.
This could work, if you apply for a mortgage the student loans could be deducted from the interest of the mortgage under this new scheme.


Thank you for contacting our office we aim to respond within 5 working days.

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